Master Doing Good for Yourself and Others
Once you’ve completed your Practitioner of Hypnotherapy Certification, you will want to go even deeper into the mind of personal change by taking your next level of training. Complete your Master Hypnotherapist Certification and become even more skilled at helping yourself and others improve their lives by improving their thinking.
Learn from the Mid-South's Authority
Here, you’ll learn from Dr. Steve Ethridge, honing the knowledge you’ve already acquired and pushing yourself into overdrive with advanced one-on-one teaching. As well as achieving what you want in all aspects of life, you’ll expand your hypnosis skills and discover how to use your the in a wide range of new ways.
Over this three-day course, you will learn how to create change in every aspect of your life and discover new ways to pass that knowledge on to others whether in business or your personal life.
Here is a list of what you will learn in this power-packed certification course.
- Revisit the Basics -- You will gain deeper mastery of hypnosis as you review and expand your understanding of the History of Hypnosis (and why it is important today), Stages of Hypnosis, Suggestibility Tests, and Ericksonian Hypnosis.
- Advanced Ideomotor Signaling -- Learn the difference between digital and analog Ideomotor Signaling and how to safely and naturally turn up your metabolism (for increased energy or weight loss), as well as how to turn up your immune system for optimum health.
- Multiple Embedded Metaphors -- You've heard or heard of a "spell binding" speech, haven't you? Well, how would you like to learn how the greatest speakers craft speeches -- whether for an individual client or a large audience -- in a way that influences people by communicating with their unconscious minds; in a way that rivets their attention to you and moves them take action to achieve their desired outcome?
- Direct Authoritative Approach -- You will learn the methodology of famous hypnotist, George Estabrooks', traditional, Direct Authoritative Approach, to hypnotizing someone, as well as when you should and should not use it and why.
- Progressive Induction Test -- You will experience for yourself a very fun technique that combines Ericksonian Indirect Suggestion and with an adaptation of Estabrooks Direct Authoritative Induction to lead you into all levels of trance -- including Full Body Catalepsy. Gain experience in leading your client into the deepest levels of trance and learn how to use Double Inductions to help your client organize new learnings and suggestions at the level of their Unconscious Mind.
- Deepening Techniques -- You will learn the most important Deepening Techniques that can be used along with any other hypnotic induction to deepen the trance and responsiveness of your client.
- Elman Hypnotic Inductions -- You will learn the famous Hypnotist's Elements of an Elman Induction, which is the fastest, most powerful, and deepest trance induction, as well as Elman's Stages of Hypnosis, Elman's Pre-Talk, Elman's Requisites for Hypnosis and two of his most powerful inductions. You will also learn why all hypnosis is self- hypnosis, as well as the Three Distinctions about Trance Inductions and how they apply to various the Types of Hypnosis, including Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
- Convincers -- You will learn how to assist your client in the belief that he/she can do the deeper states of hypnosis. Each test (convincer) that you learn will assist the client in becoming more convinced that he/she can go deeper and so he does. As he becomes more convinced, he will go deeper into trance, and so on.
- Contraindications for Hypnosis -- You will learn WHEN NOT to hypnotize, or when to be careful, and how to handle situations where hypnosis may be contraindicated.
- Post Hypnotic Suggestions -- You will learn how to create suggestions that operate at a later time. A Post Hypnotic Suggestion is a suggestion that activates and operates at a time after the induction of trance. The time of the activation can be minutes later or months later.
- Imagination -- You will learn how to improve your imagination with hypnosis to help you be more creative, or to help you resolve a problem that bugs the client.
Additionally, there will be two books to read on state-of-the art hypnosis before you attend the live training.
You can complete this training either through one of our live, in-person classes, online (Zoom) classes, or through our distance education hybrid approach where you do a portion of the course online at your own pace and a portion by interacting with your trainer either remotely over Zoom or in person, depending on your location.
To find out more, click here to book an appointment with your trainer, Dr. Steven C. Ethridge.